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 During Autumn term in year 2, we enjoyed learning lots of new things to begin our year. 

In maths we were using bundles, counters and base 10 to help us partition 2 digit numbers, they also helped us to add and subtract tens and ones. 

In R.E we began to read some important Bible stories to build up our knowledge, and discuss the idea of the Holy trinity, getting to create our own model to represent it. We also had the chance to look at the festival of Diwali when researching the faith of Hinduism. We got the opportunity to create rangoli patterns and Diwa lamps.  

During one of our History topics of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, we created our own timeline of their lives and we also got to visit the Thackray medical museum and got to build up our knowledge and get to be porters and nurses for the afternoon helping Florence Nightingale keep the soldiers healthy and clean! When looking at the great fire of London for our other history topic we used lots of skills to order the important events that happened and we looked at a range of sources to investigate how we know so much about the past. 

In geography, we looked at which four countries made up the United Kingdom and their capital cities, we also got to use and Atlas to find them on a map of Europe. 

In art and D&T we used a range of art materials including clay, to build pinch pots and house tiles and got to make some healthy and yummy snowmen at Christmas time. 

What a fun term!