What the priority involves in a nutshell
– key objective
Priority 1
- S48
- Year of Jubilee
- Opportunity for staff prayer
- Inspection ready
- Full participation - To be Pilgrims of Hope in our broken world
- Increased opportunities for spiritual time/renewal
Priority 2
Quality of Education
- Further refine aspects of the curriculum - Art/DT/Music/PE/PSHE
- Further develop subject ambassadors and pupil voice
- Continue to improve writing outcomes through embedded sentence level and SPaG focus
- Provide further opportunities for reasoning and problem solving
- Review our SEND offer for high needs pupils
- Review provision for EAL pupils
- Established clear sequence of learning objectives and skills and their development in these foundation subject areas.
- Increased pupil input/voice as stakeholders.
- Increased percentage of children reaching expected attainment in writing.
- Increased evidence of these 2 aspects/raised standards
- High needs met/standards maintained across school
- Reviewed curriculum offer/assessment and intervention
Priority 3
Behaviour and attitudes
- Review policy and practise
- Updated policy - consistent approach ensures excellent behaviour
- Equipment and activities for engaged physical activity and engagement
Focused Priority 4
Personal Development
- Extend further our extra-curricular offer
- Increased ARTs provision, including music, art and drama, cricket, chess, cooking club
- Establish agreed assembly time for celebration of achievements in extracurricular events both within and outside of school.
Priority 5
Leadership and Management
- Develop and embed our Mental Health and well being policy
- Launch and embed Thrive as a tool to support SEMH
- Deliver Early Talk Boost
- Expand Neli across the whole class
- The MH and wellbeing of pupils and staff is at least good.
- Comprehensive assessment and provision for pupils with SEMH needs
- Improved language development in FS1 and for those children in FS2 who may be unable to access NELI fully, which will impact on access to the wider curriculum.