Mr Junier Browne - Chair of Governors (Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese of Leeds - term of office 9.1.21 - 8.1.25)
Committees: Discipline,Teaching and Learning (Chair), Catholic Life, PE and sports funding, Equalities, H&S and Complaints
Declared business interests: Spouse works within school as a teaching assistant
Postal Address:
St Wilfrid's Circus
West Yorkshire
Mr David Hoyle - Vice Chair of Governors (Parent Governor - appointed by the parents - term of office 23.1.23 - 22.1.27)
Committees: Teaching and Learning, Catholic Life, Child Protection and Safeguarding, Health & Safety and SEND.
Declared business interests: None
Fr Ghebrezghi Woldekidan - (Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese of Leeds - term of office 01.09.23 -31.08.26)
Committees: Teaching and Learning, Catholic Life.
Declared business interests: None
Miss Anita Carter- (Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese of Leeds - 4.1.22 - 3.1.26)
Committees: Teaching and Learning, Catholic Life, Equalities and Maths.
Declared business interests: None
Mrs Hermenia Perez- (Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese of Leeds - 12.1.23 - 9.1.27 )
Committees: Teaching and Learning, Catholic Life and Early Years.
Declared business interests: None
Vacancy - Foundation Governor x2
Vacancy - Parent Governor
Mrs Tracy Wallis - (Staff representative appointed by the staff - term of office 12.1.23 - 11.1.27)
Committees: Teaching and Learning and Catholic Life and Wellbeing.
Declared business interests: None
Mrs Susan O'Brien - Headteacher
Committees: Complaints, Teaching and Learning, Catholic Life, CP and Safeguarding
Mr Calvin Yeung - (Parent Governor - appointed by the parents - 19.10.22 - 18.10.26 ) stepped down 9.7.24
Declared business interests: None
Governor’s statement
The Academy Council ensures that the school fulfils all statutory and canonical responsibilities. They work tirelessly to ensure that the Catholic identity of the school is given the highest priority and profile.
The Academy Council is made up of a number of foundation governors appointed by the diocese, two parent governors elected by parents, teaching or non teaching governor and the Headteacher.
The governors meet at least once a term. Each of the governors is a member of one or more of the following sub committees: Teaching and Learning; Catholic Life and Resources. Each Governor has voting rights on the committee on which they sit and at Full Academy Council meetings.
Through a system of committees and delegated responsibilities the Governors are able to effectively gather information about the work of the school, to know its strengths and areas for development. They question and challenge this work, holding the school to account and helping to shape its future by setting targets and priorities for the future.
Meetings are scheduled at the start of the school year. Minutes are taken at all meetings through the clerking service and issued to all members. As a result of this excellent communication meetings are well attended and Governors are well informed.
The Parish Priest is an active member of the Governing Body and is involved in a number of committees. The presence of the Parish Priest supports our work together in Catholic education as his contribution is valued. The appointed RE governor meets with the subject leader on a regular basis to discuss and review teaching and learning, the curriculum and the celebrations calendar.
The Chair and Head meet regularly to discuss key aspects of the SIP and self-evaluation. These meetings are very productive they ensure that formal channels of communication are maintained and provide opportunity for frank discussions about the school.
Governors are actively involved in the life of the school. They have a clear picture about how we plan, deliver, monitor and evaluate and their capacity and confidence to challenge as well as support is helping to drive school forward.
Key areas for development in 2024-25
- To review RE provision across school.
- To review and develop further provision for SEND - high needs pupils.
- To further develop and embed our policy and actions for Mental Health and Well-being.