Summer 2
WC 05.06.23
The children have enjoyed reading Jasper’s Beanstalk. They compared what happened to Jasper’s bean and the growth of their beanstalks using the words, taller, tallest and shorter, shortest.
We looked back on our calendar to remind us of when we planted the beans and counted how many days it had been…..and just like Jasper- it was a long, long time ago!
The children have shown excellent attitudes to learning a new skill- balance bikes!
Great examples of determination, resilience and perseverance.
In RE, we have been reflecting on how God made us all, how we are all part of God’s family and as such, we are part of the Church family. The children created their own ‘world’ and learnt the song- ‘He’s got the whole world in His hands’.
The children are getting really confident in spotting graphemes and knowing the phoneme- they have made ‘a’rrows to ‘a’im at ‘a’.
W/C 19.06.23
The children have been applying their maths knowledge by helping to place hoops at equal distances using a measuring stick. They had 5 bean bags each and using a five frame, linked their knowledge of subitizing to talked about the changes in quantity when they threw each bean bag and then applied awareness of number bonds to calculate the remainder back to 5!
The children are interested in the story of ‘Superworm’- but how do we know a worm is a worm and not a spider????? The children practise pre-writing lines to create worms and spiders and then, in a group began to compare and describe what they had drawn.
In RE we are continuing to learn about our Church family. We have had a look at our parish church of St Augustine’s and begun to create some very special things inside- the Tabernacle.
W/C 10.07.23
The children have been busy continuing their learning of insects and combining their skills of maths and DT to create ladybirds and bees.
In RE we are continuing to learn about our Church family. The children know that we have a parish priest called Fr G and that Sundays are an important day for our Church family. The children created their own portraits of Fr G which we presented to him and then created our own weekly timetable to remind us of why Sundays are special.
To link to our learning of our world- we have been comparing environments- cities and woodland. We extended this to coastlands and some children were able to discuss their experiences. To enable this to develop, we had a seaside theme day. We have looked on Google Earth and found out we live in a city called Leeds. We made our way across the county to the coast- the seaside. The children learnt that this is where the land and the sea meet, and sometimes there is sand that we can play on. We talked about how to stay safe in the sun, on the beach and when in the water.
The children had a great time in the large sand pit - 'the beach' and had a go at some team games, hook a duck and volley ball.
In the afternoon they had fun in our paddling pool and had an ice cream!!!