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Healthy Schools

Useful sites for recipes and resources:


Eatwell Guide 2016- The new UK healthy eating model

FS2 - Hygiene

This week, hygiene has been one of our top priorities. We have learnt about germs and how they can spread especially in our classroom and at home. The children were very knowledgeable about this and explained, “we should cough into our arm not our hand”. We briefly talked about the current situation and most children had already heard about certain aspects from the news. As a result, we have set up a snuffle station which the children absolutely love! They have been very grown up in remembering to wash their hands and to catch their sneeze in a tissue!

Year 5 - Rainbow cous cous

As part of our Africa topic, year 5 made a Moroccan themed rainbow cous cous using various skills inlcuding chopping, measuring and juicing.

FS1 - Our Chinese meal

The children were very excited to prepare and make another meal. We used different vegetables for our Chinese meal and used a different carbohydrate- noodles!

FS2 - Healthy Smoothies

Today we went on our trip to Morrison’s. We started by writing a shopping list and discussed healthy and unhealthy food. We decided we would buy some fruit and make smoothies. When we got to Morrison’s we looked for apples, bananas and grapes and compared the prices on offer. The children were fantastic at spotting numerals in the environment!
The children carried the baskets around the supermarket looking out for each item.
Miss O’Toole then made a bad choice and decided to buy some chocolate  

FS1 - Making Christmas dinner

The children enjoyed making their Christmas dinner. We looked at and talked about the vegetables we were going to use, where they come and why we need to get them. The children were very good at remembering to thoroughly wash their hands before and after preparing and eating the food.