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School Meals 

Food statement

1    Introduction

 Our Whole-School Food statement is designed to contribute a vital element to our strategy of creating a school environment in which children can thrive. We believe that it is only through a whole-school approach that the key messages about food and drink can be really effectively conveyed. This document sets out our policy on this.

2    Aims and objectives 

– To help children know and understand the importance of food and drink in a healthy lifestyle.

– To help children learn what healthy food is.

– To give children the skills they need to make the right choices with regard to food and drink.

– To promote the physical and emotional well-being of all our children.

3    The curriculum 

3.1     We will plan explicit teaching about healthy eating in our formal curriculum. For example,

         Design technology - we will teach children about the preparation and cooking of healthy food in classes,

         Geography - children will learn where food comes from and how it reaches the shops.

         Science -we will teach about nutrition and the needs of a healthy body

         Mathematics, we will teach children to measure and calculate size and weight.

         English -we will provide opportunities for children to discuss, read and write about health-related issues, such as GM foods, and why some parts of the world have a surplus of food, while other parts have famine.

         Religious education -children will learn about how food is valued in different societies, and the part food plays in religious custom and practice; we will learn about how our contributions can make a real difference by fund-raising & promoting Fair Trade. 

          Physical education -children will have the opportunity to learn how their body reacts to exercise and the importance of food and drink to participation in PSHE - children will have the opportunity to reflect on food-related issues such as how food is advertised, and how we can enjoy treats without damaging our bodies.

3.2    We will encourage children to participate in school games clubs and sports, and so learn the enjoyment of a healthy lifestyle. We will organise school visits with a focus on outdoor pursuits, and provide opportunities for children to explore the natural world. Our school site will be fully exploited in the interest of the children's physical and emotional development through playground activities.

4    The school environment 

4.1     We will ensure that our school environment promotes healthy eating. Children will be encouraged to bring just one treat per day to school as part of their packed lunch. We want children to understand healthy, balanced eating does allow for some treats.

4.2     We will not give sweets or chocolate as prizes or rewards in school except on the following occasions:

  • Miniature chocolate bars on a child’s birthday

  • Some treats on annual Year 5 and 6 residential visits


4.3     We will encourage children to drink plenty of water by allowing them to bring in their own water bottles and have access to fresh water throughout the day.


5    School lunches 

5.1     We will serve only healthy food and drink for our school lunches. The lunches will be prepared by Leeds City Council Catering Department, on site with reference to national, nutritional guidelines. A basic requirement will be that they provide three options a day, one of which being a vegetarian option, that they always serve vegetables and fruit, and that all lunches have a balanced nutritional value.

5.2     The parents of children who bring packed lunches will be made aware of our healthy-school policy through Healthy School Newsletters/website, and given clear guidance about what should be included in a healthy packed lunch.


6    Role of parents 

6.1     We will work closely with parents to ensure that the messages about food and drink we give in school are reinforced and supported at home.

6.2     We expect all parents who send their children to our school to respect our healthy food policy and to support it fully through the food they give their children to bring to school.


7    Monitoring and review 

7.1     The governing body will monitor this ststement to ensure that our children are taught the importance of healthy eating. It will be reviewed on a regular basis, and at least once every two years.