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Year 4 Multiplication Check


What is the Year 4 Times Tables Test?

The Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check is an annual check that the government are introducing to assess if Year 4 children have a good level of times tables knowledge. 


Why is the government introducing this Multiplication Tables Check?

As part of the maths curriculum, all primary school-aged children are expected to know their times tables up to 12 x 12 by heart. 

In fact, they are expected to have mastered their times tables by the end of Year 4. This test is a way of checking that they have.


Who will take the times tables test?

Year 4 children were due to sit the new times tables test for the first time in June 2020 however it now looks likely that children starting Year 4 in September 2020 will be the first to sit this test.


When will the times table test be taken?

Schools have a three-week window in the month of June to have their Year 4 children sit the test but will be free to choose which day within that three-week period they choose to sit it. 


What is the Year 4 times tables test’s format?

The Multiplication Tables Check is an ‘online, onscreen digital assessment’ so the children will take the test on a computer, laptop, chrome book or iPad at school.

It is a timed test with 25 questions which the children must answer within 6 seconds so the whole test will take less than 5 minutes.


What can you do to help your child prepare for their times tables test?

There are many strategies to support your child at home. 

  • Times tables chanting: “6, 12, 18, 24…”;
  • Times tables chanting in reverse order: “108, 99, 90, 81…”;
  • Using times tables songs, like Schoolhouse Rock’s ‘3 is A Magic Number’;
  • Using apps  such as Times Tables Rock Stars or Hit the Button
  • Asking your child multiplication calculations out of order, like: “What is 4 x 7? What is 9 x 5? What is 6 x 11?”;
  • Asking your child related division questions, like “What is 12 divided by 4? What is 55 divided by 11?”;
  • Asking your child word problems based on times tables, like: “If five friends have £3 each, how much money do they have in total?”;
  • Trying out active ways of learning times tables such as times tables hopscotch, 

Follow these link if you would like to find out more!