Topic Work
Find Powerpoint presentations on the topics that you are working on in class by clicking on the links below.
Key stage 1:
Plants - Helping plants grow well
Everyday Materials - Characteristics of materials
Animals including Humans - Moving and growing
Healthy eating - Keeping Healthy
Living things and their habitats - Interdependence and Adaptation
Uses of everyday materials - Reversible and irreversible changes
Lower key stage 2 (Y3/Y4):
Animals including humans - Teeth and Eating
Plants - Helping Plants Grow Well
Forces and Magnets - Magnets and springs
Light - Light and shadow
Animals including Humans - Moving and growing
Living things and their habitats - Habitats
States of matter- Solids, liquids and how they can be seperated
Electricity - Circuits and Conductors
Teeth and bones - Keeping Healthy
Living things and their habitats - Interdependence and Adaptation
States of matter - Reversible and irreversible changes
Upper key stage 2 (Y5/Y6):
Animals including Humans - Moving and growing
Living things and their habitats - Habitats
Living things and their habitats - Life Cycles
Properties and changes of materials - Changing states
Properties and changes of materials - More About Dissolving
Light - Light and shadow
Forces - Magnets and springs
Forces - Friction
Electricity - Circuits and Conductors
Animals including humans- Keeping Healthy
Earth and space - Earth, Sun and Moon
Living things in their habitats - Interdependence and Adaptation
Properties and changes of materials - Reversible and irreversible changes
Forces - Forces in action
Light - How we see things
How are our toys different from those in the past?
What were homes like a long time ago?
What were seaside holidays like in the past?
Why do we remember Florence Nightingale?
How do we know about the Great Fire of London?
Why have people invaded and settled in Britain in the past? A Roman case study
Why have people invaded and settled in Britain in the past? An Anglo-Saxon case study
Why have people invaded and settled in Britain in the past? A Viking case study
What was it like for children in the Second World War?
What can we find out about ancient Egypt from what has survived?
What was it like for children living in Victorian Britain?
How did life change in our locality in Victorian times?
How has life in Britain changed since 1948?
How do we use ancient Greek ideas today?
How can we find out about the Indus Valley civilisation?
What are we remembering on Remembrance Day?
What was it like to live here in the past?
What can we learn about recent history from studying the life of a famous person?
Around our school - the local area
Where in the world is Barnaby Bear?
Should the high street be closed to traffic?
A contrasting UK locality: Llandudno
How and where do we spend our time?
Local traffic – an environmental issue
How can we improve the area we can see from our window?
A contrasting locality overseas – Tocuaro
Religious Education:
Unit 3a - Everyday signs and symbols
Unit 3b - Different Faiths - The Story of Rama and Sita
Unit 3c - What was Jesus like?
Unit 3d - The Bible - The Story of Mary Jones
Unit 4a - How and why do Hindus worship?
Unit 4b - Celebrations: Christmas journeys
Unit 4c - Why is Easter important for Christians?
Unit 4d - What religions are represented in our neighbourhood?
Unit 5a - Why is Mohammed important to Muslims?
Unit 5b - How do Muslims express their beliefs?
Unit 5c - Where did the Christian Bible come from?
Unit 5d - How do Christians' beliefs influence their actions?
Unit 6a - Worship and community
Unit 6b - What is the role of the mosque?
Unit 6c - Why are sacred texts important?
Unit 6d - What is the Qu'ran and why is it important to Muslims?
Unit 6e - What can we learn from Christian religious buildings?
Unit 5: Quelle heure est il? (Part 1)
Unit 7: Quelle heure est il? (Part 2)
Unit 8: Qu’est-ce que tu veux?